What is KKDIK Compliant Turkish SDS?

Turkish Safety Data Sheets prepared in accordance with the conditions of KKDİK regulation No. 30105, Annex-2 are KKDİK compliant SDSs. KKDIK compliant Safety Data Sheets can only be prepared by Chemical Assessment Experts (KDU). Chemical Assessment Experts (KDU) should be certified by an ACCREDITED AGENCY. 

The information given in the Safety Data Sheet is consistent with the information given in the Chemical Safety Report (CSR). In cases where the Chemical Safety Report has been completed and the substance is classified as hazardous, the relevant Exposure Scenario is added to the Safety Data Sheet.

CRAD prepares your KKDIK-compliant Safety Data Sheets in 40 country languages with its experienced team of experts. You can contact our expert team to learn about your SDS preparation solution options and services.