What is Extended SDS (e-SDS, eSDS)?

Extended SDS or e-SDS are Safety Data Sheets that include "Exposure Scenarios" for the usage areas of the harmful substance you have put on the market.

Exposure Scenario aims to prevent people and the environment from being exposed to the substance and, if so, to ensure its safe use and explains how it can be controlled. An Exposure Scenario refers to an identified use or an identified group of similar uses, such as the formulation, processing or production of a product. It describes the operational conditions and risk management measures that ensure the safe use of the substance for this use.

If a chemical substance has a full KKDIK registration of 10 tonnes or more, it must have a Chemical Safety Report. If this chemical is also classified as hazardous, an Exposure Scenario needs to be prepared. While preparing the Exposure Scenario, the Chemical Safety Report is used.

CRAD prepares your Extended SDS in the languages of 40 countries with its experienced team of experts. You can contact our expert team for more detailed information about our SDS preparation solution services.