Labelling of Chemicals and Safety Data Sheet (SDS-SDS-MSDS) Compliance Services

Companies which are in compliance with country specific regulatory requirements are ahead of the game with regard to competition environment of international business. The most substantial hazard communication tools with respect to hazardous substances and mixtures are SDSs and labels. Companies face multiple challenges within global trade area such as different legislative requirements depending on each country/ state, labelling provisions stipulating that labels should be drawn up in the local language of the country receiving the chemical substance or mixture etc. Besides, following the entry into force of the Regulation EC No.1272/2008 (CLP) in the EU have increased such difficulties in generation of SDSs and labels.

We do provide tailor made services and one-stop solution with respect to SDS and label generation. Labels and SDSs in 40 different languages as well as compliant with the legislation of the country to which you perform your trade operations can be evaluated and drawn up by our expert team. Additionally, GHS Professional which is our software used for authoring SDSs, and Chem Label which is for label generation can be installed and necessary trainings will be provided to our staff. 

Please contact our experts for further information and presentation.